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Ewe Nutrition

Nutrition hugely affects all aspects of sheep health and production. Poor nutrition has negative effects on ovulation rate, early embryonic loss, lamb vitality, peri-natal metabolic disease and passive transfer of antibodies through colostrum.


Trace element deficiencies in sheep

Deficiency of essential trace elements may lead to significant economic losses within affected sheep flocks; however diagnosis can be tricky as clinical signs are frequently mild and insidious in onset, such as poor growth rates, weak neonatal lambs, non-specific ill thrift or reduced feed intake. Problems tend to affect the whole group rather than individual animals and are frequently recurrent on a farm; organic units may be particularly susceptible due to increased reliance on home-grown feeds and restrictions on use of mineral supplementation. Diagnosis requires careful differentiation of trace element deficiency from other common causes of poor productivity such as chronic parasitic disease or inadequate nutrition; it is not uncommon for a combination of factors to be present, each of which will require appropriate intervention to correct. The most common trace element deficiencies in sheep include Copper, Cobalt, Selenium/Vitamin E and to a lesser extent Iodine and Manganese.


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Backyard Poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys & guinea fowl ), are an excellent way of providing pets, entertainment & education for children and ultimately eggs and meat for families and friends.


Pre-tupping preparation of both rams and ewes is key to ensuring a healthy lamb crop is conceived at tupping time, and profitability is not compromised from the start.

Fertility – in both ewes and rams – is affected by many factors, including health, nutrition, body condition, genetics, age, season, stress and the environment.

The benefits of data collection and analysis in suckler herds

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The recording and analysis of data on beef suckler herd performance may take some time, but it does enable the root causes of any production issues to be more easily identified and investigated. It can prove a very worthwhile investment of time and effort.     

Donald S McGregor & Partners Ltd is a company registered in Scotland SC495194 | Registered Address: Veterinary Surgery, Janet Street, Thurso, KW14 7EG

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